Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Wisdom In Smelling The Roses

The Wisdom In Smelling The Roses

Photography: Jetta Marie
Poem: Jetta Marie
Gratitude Of The Day: Having the wisdom in my life to understand how important it is to stop and smell the roses.

Life can truly lose its luster,
When the rush of the day
And the expectation to be exceptional
Overcomes our ability to see simplicity;
Though my burdens may at times
Threaten to consume me entirely,
I have the honor of having long ago
Been bestowed a blessing,
To recognize beauty and simplicity
Despite the rush of the world around me;
To feel the sun on my face
And know that I am loved,
To see the dewdrops on a rose
And smile in the face of darkness.

Words and colors flow through me
Like the very blood through my veins
And though darkness may challenge me
Again and again through my life;
Though It may attempt the impossible task
Of clouding my mind and knowledge
That there is beauty all around
And the sun will always return to me,
I know in my heart and being
That though it may win a battle
It shall never conquer the war
To gain conquest of my sight
For I have tasted the breath of beauty
And I shall never let it go again.

Allow yourself to live a life
No longer blinded by the rush of man
Nor the lure of grandeur tainted by the world;
Allow yourself to see the good
And be grateful for its presence;
For in it you shall find
Freedom, peace,serenity and love;
In it you shall find
Those missing moments in your life
That will give you strength to stand
When weakness overcomes you;
Live a life in understanding
The wisdom eternally spoken
In stopping to admire and smell the roses.

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