Sunday, December 8, 2013

Note To Readers: Thank You To Everyone Of You

Though My normal signature for this blog is the combination of a photograph and poem each day, (or nearly each day to be fair)  I wanted to take just a few moments and thank each and everyone of you who have taken the time to check out what I do, and support me in my efforts to help bring a little light to others from this little corner of the vast internet from which I post. Whether you just pass through, or check my blog on a regular basis, I am so grateful for all of you. I sincerely hope that what I am doing is helping to bring a smile to some faces, and help us all adopt a little gratitude in our lives. I know a lot of days its hard to be grateful, but hopefully what I am doing can give you a bit of courage on the tough days.

I am so humbled by the response that my project has received, and want to publicly thank all of you who are making this project successful by recommending it to others and taking what I do to heart. I sincerely pray that to someone out there, my words bring comfort and hope when things get tough. If I can make a difference to just one of you when you need it most, then this blog has served its purpose.

 I know that I have a lot of work to do, and I have some great things planned for this coming year. I am going to get a few of the songs I have written on here, along with the photos and lyrics to accompany them; I am in the process of creating a YouTube channel so that I can get some more involvement with the comments. I know that not everyone has access to comment on the blog itself, but I want to make it possible for anyone willing to comment to be able to do so. I am working on putting together some incentive for a few of my challenges during 2014 as well.  I am not by any means Oprah, so do not cross your fingers for a new car ,but as this blog is growing I am gaining new insight on how to improve things for my readers every day.

None of my mission would be possible without your support, Readers. Together we CAN make a difference, and we can pave the way to bringing gratitude and joy back to those that may have lost their way. With every word I write, with every song I sing, with every photograph I take...I can help remind this world of the beauty around us in a world that oft times seems dark. To the man without the courage to stand for what he believes, leading others from the darkness is a grand notion, and nothing more.

I love you all so very much, and am humbled and grateful for each hair on your heads. Your support is an inspiration and encouragement to me beyond the words I can speak. May I be inspired to find the words to reach you when you need a lift; may my simple puns and limericks bring a smile to you when you cannot find one on your own. And may I have the honor of leading the way for those who will follow, out of the patterns of negativity, and into the first steps of bringing joy into the lives of those who have forgotten how to feel it.
Keep putting one step in front of the other; keep searching for a moment of sun no matter how dark the storm. I have faith in each one of you, and I truly do care about each one of you. Never Give up searching for the beauty around us, for it is there, and once you begin to see it's presence in your life it will only grow stronger. Have a great day everyone!

Artfully Yours,

Jetta Marie

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