Monday, December 9, 2013

down but not out

So I have been feeling really crummy these last weeks, and somehow I have been granted the strength to keep going. I was sure it was the flu but I broke down today and went to the doctor; so NOT the flu! Apparently, I would have made a really horrid Doctor because he told me I have a nasty sinus infection.

 But despite the lack of a voice and the pounding migraine, I am still just as grateful as ever. No poem today, but even in my less than attractive state, I still managed to get a whole SD card of new photos and am still busy as ever. My stamina only seemed to come in small hour increments, but prevail I have and conquer I will.

So today I am writing a list of 10 things thatmade me grateful for today. I am challenging myself since it was a harder day for me. :)

1) I am grateful to have a husband sensitive enough to understand me and appreciate how strong i am, yet man enough to tell me that I don't get to chose whether I am going to the dr today or not

2) even though today was hard, I got a whole bunch of photos while my husband was driving me to the dr, the pharmacy and home.

3) I am grateful for my brother stopping by today to ask my humble advice on his book. I love being able to encourage him and be there to bounce ideas off of.

4) I am so grateful for electricity; we did not have it for an hour this morning and it was so very cold!

5) grateful to have a doctor who is gentle but blunt in letting me know that I was way off in what I thought was going on with me. Ivwas humbly put in my place, told I was wrong, and he did not make me feel dumb about it.

6) EUCALYPTUS. I would not be breathing through my nose today without it.

7) my ever loyal black Labrador, Dax, who is an amazing seizure animal, a wonderful companion, and my loyal protector when I am under the weather. Sweet boy has not left my side for 3 days.

8) The classical music that finally  helped me fall asleep last night.  Finally drifted off during a number called Cool forest cello.

9) ice. Made it so much easier to stay hydrated today. 

10) hope and my gratitude goggles. They kept the optimism going when it would have been easy to quit.

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