Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sweet Childhood Simipicity

Sweet, sweet, Children

Photography: Jetta Marie
Poem: Jetta Marie
Gratitude of the day: Being able to remember the less complicated ethics and purity of a well raised child. 

Sweet Childhood Simplicity 

How much cuter can you be
Than a kid with great creativity?
This lonely pup without a bed
And with some nearby to lay his head!
So a child no taller than 3 ft 3'
Quickly came up with the remedy;
Just move the pup up to pile
And let him rest comfy for a while.
It makes sense when you truly see
Things in a child's simplicity,
Right and wrong just seem so clear
When you still maintain your younger years.
So, sweet child, thank you much
For saving this poor uncomfortable pup.

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