Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Duct Tape Failure

Duct Tape Failure

Photography: Jetta Marie
Poem: Jetta Marie
Gratitude Of The Day: Moments you can do nothing but laugh and be speechless

Duct Tape Failure

Rare as the moment is
There are those few and far between
Where the almighty glory of the tape
No longer reigns supreme
Moments where you try so hard
To utilize its name
But stand back to see your crafty hands
And must hang your head in shame!
It mends some auto ails its true,
It makes dresses, belts and shirts
But even the mighty have moments, indeed
Were there power just wont work
So though glorious true, the tape remains
Take heed in this tragic tale
And know my friend that though powerful, yes
Even duct tape has moments of FAIL.

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