Dear Readers;
The new year is upon us, and for those of us who attempt the task of the ever daunting New Years Resolutions, you probably already have those list up and have your gym memberships and financial plans in place. Good for you! I am so glad that you are picking yourself up and making a commitment to better yourself and your life. A dream is truly the first step to making a change. I am living proof of that.
But I know so many of you who will overwhelm yourself with long lists and difficult tasks that will have you screaming and pulling hair by April, and you may want to give up on the whole thing. Its a pretty common trend and one that I myself have endured for many years.But there is a difference between this year and many previous years for me. Most years I have not exactly been overly excited about the things that I set to do, and I knew going into it that around April, I was going to be very overwhelmed and very depressed because things would be getting hard at that point. I promptly at that point, gave up and promised to do better next year, and out came the Twinkies and peanut butter cups.
This year I am very confident that I will reach my goals because I have a secret weapon that will ensure me success. You question and guffaw at my audacity, I am sure, for the very notion does admittedly sound absurd, but hear me out. This year is going to be different for a very simple reason; I am already happy and grateful for my life, and my goals are not number specific. There are no numbers in anything I plan to do this year. Do I plan to lose weight? Absolutely! But I have no number as to how much I want to lose, and am content to do my best and let my body handle the numbers. I will be ignoring my scale, because I understand that by stressing about numbers, I am sabotaging myself and my success because stress induces the body to hold onto its weight. So simply put, NO NUMBERS.
I also have a goal to get a handle on our debt. Due to my extensive medical bills during the period where I was ill, and a very expensive move a few years back, we are still working on getting a handle on our debt. But again, NO NUMBERS. My husband and I have a commitment to each other to pay a little extra on our credit card each month, and support each other to accomplish our goal. We are not committing to paying it all off completely, because that is ridiculous to expect, but we are going to put all our financial muscles into it.
I have about 10 things I want to accomplish this year, because anymore than that and I know I am setting myself up for "April Apathy." I have to admit I am very confident and actually excited for this year and the opportunity to be a better me that is coming. Its like I have always said; its about your mind frame. when you chose to be optimistic and grateful for what you already have and who and what you already are, It gets easier to see the silver lining and realize that it is only uphill. When you already feel good about who you are, you truly attract success, because you are not as critical when you fail at something and you are not afraid of being you and getting back up for another go at it.
You want a number? I am 240 lbs and I am just fine with it. I am defiantly making a goal to improve my health this year, but I am fine if I only lose a little. I don't care about skinny jeans (which are no longer fashionable, by they way) and I could not care less about Hollywood standards. My body knows what healthy is for me just fine, and I trust its judgment. I am loved beyond measure my my family, friends, colleges and sweet husband. I am talented in photography and poetry and I have almost 900 views on my blog. I know by this that my talents are making a difference to people, and that is an amazing feeling. I give to charity, I support my family, and I am a great person who is grateful for the beautiful world and people around me.
So as this new year begins, I challenge each and every one of you to take a look at that laundry list of change you call New Years Resolutions, and take the numbers out. Make a commitment to give each goal your best and be happy and proud of yourself no matter what the final outcome is. Make a commitment to see the beauty in the world, and in yourself this year. Because when you change your view of the world, you change your view of yourself as well. Positive thoughts are contagious and wonderful, though admittedly they are sometimes hard to locate some days. I am rooting for you all, and I wish you all the very best. Thank you for all your love and support. It is going to be a great year!
Artfully Yours,
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