Saturday, January 18, 2014

I have your back

I Have Your Back

Photograph: Jetta Marie
Poetry: Jetta Marie
Gratitude: Friends who stand the test of time, and always have your back.

I Have Your Back

I have your back,
And you have mine,
And our friendship has stood
The test of time

I've been wrong
And I've been right,
Though you may not have agreed
You're still stood by my side

You embrace my good
Helped me conquer the bad
And though some answers you don't have
You are still there when I'm sad

We still quarrel some moments
Cause we both speak our minds
And we know in the end
Common ground we will find

I could not imagine 
Tackling life as I do
Deifying odds and impossibles
Without having you

Two peas in a pod
From our first day till the end
I do nor fear challenges
Because of you, friend

So tackle the world
And I'll  have your back too
And together, companion
There is naught we can't do!

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