Friday, January 31, 2014
Letter: Gratitude-Just the Beginning Of My Journey
Dear Readers;
Over the course of the last 4 months, I have committed myself to a mission to assist others in obtaining what I have referred to as "Gratitude goggles." I am humbly attempting to show those who are seeking hope and have found themselves in difficult times to adopt a life changing way of viewing the world and themselves. As my domain name suggest, I am putting forth my efforts to show everyone who will hear me the beauty and art that surround us everyday of our lives.
But in my heart, I know that adopting a life a gratitude is only the beginning of my quest. There is so much more that I can do to be an example and light to the friends, family, community, and world in which I live. I know that there are so many opportunities for me to make a difference and though I will continue my mission and commitment to all of you here on this blog, I feel in my heart that it is time for me to step it up and begin the next chapter in my journey to bring light to the beauty that surrounds us.
As most of you know, I have begun a service project in dedication to the Children's Justice Center of Utah. I truly believe that my next step in this incredible mission I have undertaken is to build upon the foundation of gratitude I have adopted, and begin to see and respond to the oppotunites of service to my fellow man that I am prompted to respond to. I can not tell you how many times in my life I have seen a situation and thought "I sure wish I could help" or "that just is not right. Someone should do something!" and then I somehow thought it was best not to get involved. Looking back, I realize how many opportunities I have had to be a light in someone's day, and somehow managed to talk myself out of that opportunity.
I do not intended to give every beggar money, nor will I attempt to solve all the things wrong in this world, but I know that through my talents and the clarity in my sight that has been granted to me through adopting gratitude and optimism in my life that I can do so much more. I am and will never in this life be perfect. I have moments of pride and vanity; I have moments of self doubt and depression. I have moments where I wonder how effective a little ant like me could ever be in the grand scheme of things. But I know that the more I am adopting this change in perception and attitude, the more smiles I want to be able to put on peoples faces. In the grand scheme of things, I may be an ant, but to the person who needs me in a moment of doubt and darkness, I cannot preach gratitude to the world if I myself cannot be the light that someone else needed me to be in their moment of darkness.
To experience gratitude, I have learned that it is those simple human beauties of kindness, sincerity, and respect from our fellow human beings that has made the biggest impact on the way I have learned to see the world. Gentleman holding doors for me, people going out of their way to help someone in need, random emails from old friends wondering how I am doing. These have been the seeds of gratitude for me, and as I continue to grow and follow the promptings I have to serve and love my fellow man, I can feel the promise and joy of returning the kindness I have received from those who have served me, back into the world by serving my fellow man. With a humble heart, I hope that as my journey continues, that I can be the light that so many have been to me as I have learned to adopt gratitude in my life.
I pray for each and everyone of you, to adopt a sense of gratitude and service in your life. Just as you can be grateful for someone who serves you, you can be the one who someone else is grateful for. You can be a smile on someones face, the reminder that someone sees them, and a hope for them that humanity is not lost. You can show them the beauty in life by simple everyday actions of service, such as holding a door for a mother with children, calling a neighbor to see how they are doing, or in my case using my talents to make toys for children who need them.
Small or big, you can make a difference to someone who needs you, and in serving them I know that your happiness and serenity in life will continue to grow. Just as depression and negativity is contagious, so to can be the positive energy produced by a life of gratitude and service. Just as I am living proof of the power of grattiude in the path to happiness, so too shall I aim to be an example of the progression of happiness by adding service upon that foundation. I love and apreciate each and every one of you, and thank you for all your support and love in what I do each day to spread my message. You are all amazing, and I could not have reached as far as I have without you.
Artfully Yours,
Jetta Marie
Letter: What I Am Up To
Dear Readers;
I have received a lot of support from my friends and family on my charity project, and I am so grateful to everyone who is helping out. For those of you waiting for a bear patterns, I am in the process of getting copies of the bear pattern I am using and they should be in the mail (or emails) shortly. You are all awesome!
I am also very excited about being able to go back to work this Saturday. I love my work, and spring is a an exciting chance for me to obtain new and invaluable techniques to further my career as a photographer. That is what I love about my work; there is never a lack of opportunity to learn new skills and gain new opportunities. I am always growing, always improving, and there is never a point where I can't learn something new.
I have been very busy with my photo restoration project for my friend Suzie, and things are looking great. It has been an amazing and humbling process bringing these photos back to life. It is so amazing to hold these 100 year old photographs in my hand, and see and feel the love that has been put into the tradition of that blessing dress and her family. It has truly been an honor, and I hope that I have done these wonderful images justice. I had to go through and recolor them, airbrush quite a bit, and then do some minor repairs on some scratches on them. Photoshop has made my life SO much easier.I am so grateful for the technology I have access too that allows me to take on projects like this, and for my customers who allow me to share my talents with them.
I am grateful for so many things, but right now, I think one of the biggest things I am grateful for is that I have been able to stay busy, even through off season at work. I have learned so much, and be so fortunate to have the support and opportunities that I have to take care of my family and further a career that I am so passionate about. Being able to stay busy has made my seasonal, winter-time depression so much easier than It has been in past years, and I am proud to say that I have made it through the harder months already with no anti-depressants.Its a huge feat, and I am so grateful for this blog and the mercy I have had this year in battling my depression this year. The projects from my clients, the hard work and constant learning from my job, this gratitude blog, and the wonderful people around me have made this one of the best years I have had in a long time. No matter how dark things may seem , gratitude and opptimism are powerful tools of perception that can remind us of the beauty and good in the world when we have a harder time seeing it. Being able to look back over this blog has given me an edge to not only beat depression, but better myself as a person. Thank you so much for all your support and love in what I am trying to do, and the message I am trying to send to anyone who stumbles across this blog looking for hope and a reminder of beauty. I hope that what I do can be a beacon of hope to any who need it, and thank you all for following along on my mission to spread the joys of the beauty that surrounds us. Have a great day everybody!
Artfully Yours,
Jetta Marie
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Photo Restoration Project
Photo Restoration Project For Suzie Smith
Please Note: All images are copyrighted to the original photographer of the below images, and are not to be copied, printed or published without the verbal or written consent of the copyright holder. Reproduction of the below images is a violation of that right, and will be not be tolerated in any way. The images below are being posted to display the restoration work done on them by Jett Boren Photography, and I claim no right to the images themselves.
Photography Portfolio
Jett Boren Photography
Please Note: All images are copyright protected by the artist and © Jett Boren Photography, and cannot be copied or printed without the consent of the copyright holder. Any violation of this copyright will not be tolerated, and can result in prosecution and legal actions.
There are A LOT of choices when it comes to choosing a photographer. And each one of us has a similar statement to what makes us "different" from the sea of competition in which we swim. The generalized statement is that we "capture memories", which is very much true for any photographer worth their weight, but for me, it is more than a memory that I strive for in each photograph to which I place my name and heart into.
I don't just capture memories, I capture who a person is at the time of the photo. I encourage and prefer to work outside my studio, because I want each and every subject to interact with me in an environment that represents them at that moment in time. Each photo for me, tells a story about my subjects, and it is up to me to take those stories and turn them into more than just a picture. I turn you stories into ART. I am not afraid to get dirty if you have a family clan of boys, and I know how to use my imagination and have a pretty little tea party with your girls, all while a camera is in my hands and ready to capture the moment.
Anyone can charge you hundreds of dollars to take a good picture. I am better than that. I tell your story, and I create art. There is a reason why I guarantee my work, and why my clients are so thrilled with what I do. The simple truth is , I am thrilled with what I do in every session, and if either of us is not tickled pink with the images from our session, I will make it right. I have a commitment to my customers and the quality of my work that is unparalleled.
Every child, every family, every animal, every sunset; they are all a piece of my heart, my joy and my pride in my work, and each and every customer gives me the chance and honor to share my talents with them and the friends, family and audience we share those stories with. I appreciate and honor every family that allows me the opportunity to share my gift with them in a moment and story they can share for years to come.
That is why I am different. That is why what I do stands out from the sea of competition I face. Thank you so much for taking the opportunity to review some of my favorite pieces here on my blog, and if you would like further examples, have any questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please email me at or give me a call at 801-810-5388.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Letter: The Art Of Homemade
The Art Of Homemade Goods
Happy Birthday Binary Code Card
Happy Birthday Legend Of Zelda
Dear Readers,
There are alot of us out there that embrace the art of homemade, and I just have to say, I am so grateful for having been taught the skills I have. My mother gave me basic scrap booking skills, and though I try SOO hard to not like it, I was sure grateful for it today. I went out to get birthday cards for family and friends, and my wallet screamed at me. $5 for a birthday card?? REALLY?!? And they did not even really say what I wanted to say. So I went home and made these two personalized cards for my January birthdays, and looking at them, I know they will mean a lot more than a pre-done card.
Homemade goods like cards, canned food, quilts, meals and sewing can make a big difference in a persons life, but they are EXTREMELY time consuming. But as with anything made from scratch, the biggest drive is love. There are so many things I am grateful for in having learned the skills I have. I am grateful for my mother's sense of humor and determination in teaching me when I was not thrilled to learn. The skills I have gained have helped me and my husband survive some very difficult challenges, both financially, physically, and mentally.
Make it a point today to thank those in your life who have taken the time to learn and to teach you a skill that has made a difference in your life. Cooking, cleaning, crafting, music..etc. these are all things that we have been taught to do in our homes to make our homes places of security and comfort, and someone showed us how that skill was applicable.
As always, I am so grateful for all of my wonderful readers, and may you get through each day, each struggle and each joy with another gratitude to add to your vaults.
Artfully yours,
Jetta Marie
Chasing The Sun
Photography: Jetta Marie
Poetry: Jetta Marie
Gratitude Of The Day: Being able to start each day chasing the beauty of the sunrise, and keeping that beauty in my heart for when the day starts to get challenging. Photography has given me new, happier eyes, and in learning to see beauty through my camera lenses, I am learning to see it in through my "gratitude goggles" too.
Chasing The Sun
As it rises each day,
At sets each night,
I make my meager mortal attempts
To capture moments of the sun.
Though I know I can never succeed
My attempts to hold its colors,
Its warmth,
Its life,
In that small window of time
That I have to photograph its peak
Bring the first
And last rays of gratitude for each day
The colors I do get
The moments I get to freeze
Of its incredible awe,
drives me to do what I do;
To wake in the wee hours of night
So that I can be in place
When it reaches that perfect place
And its colors are the Epiphany
Of what perfection is
And a reminder of the beauty
Still vaguely visible in our world today.
In my journeys to chase the sun
I have succumb
To a much calmer way of life;
An understanding of myself
And the world around me
That I never before
would have noticed
nor acknowledged if I had;
Had I not begun each day
With the warmth
Of the morning ambient light
And a reminder that the world
Is not completely dark just yet
The darkness surly
Would have consumed me.
Oh, to start my day
with the warmth of the sun
And gratitude in my heart;
In chasing the sun,
I have learned to accept myself
And this world,
And appreciate the beauty
That still surrounds us.
For it is there
For eyes willing to see
And it is that glorious sun
That breaks the darkness
And will allow us to see
The marvelous still present
In the lives we lead.
Search for the sunrise!
Start each day with a light in your heart
And something joyful
To hold onto when life bares its weight.
Cling to the shred of bliss
That started your day,
And let that moment of grateful thinking
Be your guide to finding
The beauty
That always surrounds us.
Letter: Materials For My Charity Project
Dear Readers,
I am doing a charity project this year for the Children's Justice Center of Utah and the Children's Crisis Center as well. I have this adorable little pattern for a stuffed bear, and a few little patterns for some crochet animals. I would like to make a total of 50 animals for these wonderful organizations, who rely mostly on donations for the kids. If anyone has any fabric,batting,all purpose thread or yarn scraps that I can use to make the animals, I would be very grateful! I will also be hosting small craft nights at my home a bit later this year for anyone that wants to come help make them. Desserts will be provided, of course. Anything helps! For me, the things that I am grateful for that bless me in my life, encourage me to be the smile that another person needs. I can't think of a greater cause than to help put a smile on a child in need's face. Thanks for all you do and all the love and support I am getting from all of you in my mission of gratitude. You are all amazing and I could not do what I do without you!
Artfully Yours,
Jetta Marie
I am doing a charity project this year for the Children's Justice Center of Utah and the Children's Crisis Center as well. I have this adorable little pattern for a stuffed bear, and a few little patterns for some crochet animals. I would like to make a total of 50 animals for these wonderful organizations, who rely mostly on donations for the kids. If anyone has any fabric,batting,all purpose thread or yarn scraps that I can use to make the animals, I would be very grateful! I will also be hosting small craft nights at my home a bit later this year for anyone that wants to come help make them. Desserts will be provided, of course. Anything helps! For me, the things that I am grateful for that bless me in my life, encourage me to be the smile that another person needs. I can't think of a greater cause than to help put a smile on a child in need's face. Thanks for all you do and all the love and support I am getting from all of you in my mission of gratitude. You are all amazing and I could not do what I do without you!
Artfully Yours,
Jetta Marie
Sunday, January 19, 2014
The Gentleman; Endangered, But Not Gone
Any woman living in the 21st century can tell you that running into a old time gentleman these days is not the most common thing in the world. In today's society we often times get too caught up in our own little worlds to notice much of what anyone around us is saying or feeling. We often forget our manners in the rush of the our days, and most of us have grown not to expect anyone to use them really. But today, I ran into a young man that has not forgotten what it means to be a gentleman.
My husband and I went to get his hair cut today, and the seating situation was less than plentiful. I often times have a difficult time sitting by strangers due to social anxiety, and though there were two chairs available, they were both between strangers and not near each other. My husband encouraged me to take a seat, but I sheepishly stated that it would be to hard not to sit with him, so I would just stand beside him and wait. Without saying a word, a young man picked up his stuff and moved to another chair, leaving two chairs for me and my husband.
It may not seem like much if you are not paying attention, and I doubt that Cesar really thought what he was doing was all that important, but little things like this can and do make a big difference to people like me. Having the car door opened when you get in or out of a car; having someone respect you enough to give up their seat; these things MATTER to us ladies, whether we are "tough" or not. I think sometimes we just get caught up in having to do everything ourselves, that we don't really encourage the men in our lives to be gentleman when they offer. We tell them "I've got it" so much that they stop asking at some point.
But the endangered art of being a gentleman is not lost in our men, as I was able to see in Cesar today. My husband is another proof of this fact. For many years I told him "I've got it" and he did stop asking. This last year, we reached a stalemate with each other and in a moment of anger I exclaimed "you never treat me like a lady anymore. You don't open doors, you don't hold my hand and it sucks." His face looked like a brick just hit him in the head. When he finally spoke he said in a very befuddled tone, "you always told me that "you had it" when I tried to open doors or carry things, so I guess after a while I just started acting like you did. If you want me to be a gentleman, you have to say thank you when I offer my hand of service, not "I've got it". Humbled. Point Chaz.
Gentleman are still among us ladies. And I am so grateful for the opportunity to see this in action today with Cesar. So remember to allow them to do what they do best, and be aware that though they are not as common as days of old, they are still around, and still trying to do their dues. Lets give them a verbal thanks, a hug if applicable, and make sure they know that we appreciate them. Thanks Gents!
Artfully Yours,
Jetta Marie
Saturday, January 18, 2014
I have your back
I Have Your Back
Photograph: Jetta Marie
Poetry: Jetta Marie
Gratitude: Friends who stand the test of time, and always have your back.
I Have Your Back
I have your back,
And you have mine,
And our friendship has stood
The test of time
I've been wrong
And I've been right,
Though you may not have agreed
You're still stood by my side
You embrace my good
Helped me conquer the bad
And though some answers you don't have
You are still there when I'm sad
We still quarrel some moments
Cause we both speak our minds
And we know in the end
Common ground we will find
I could not imagine
Tackling life as I do
Deifying odds and impossibles
Without having you
Two peas in a pod
From our first day till the end
I do nor fear challenges
Because of you, friend
So tackle the world
And I'll have your back too
And together, companion
There is naught we can't do!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
First Contest Of 2014!
If you are following along on my little mission, then you know what this blog and my mission in creating it is all about. In an effort to keep things fresh for those who follow me and to keep you all motivated, I have created my first contest challenge of the year.
So I am SURE you ALL read my post about the No Numbers Resolution I have made for 2014? The post I did on January 10th? I knew you had. ;) I am sure you noticed the wonderful picture there of the cute lady in pink with the Santa hat? I have a secret for you: I did not always like that picture! In fact I will be honest, I don't normally like having my picture taken at all. But I noticed something remarkable happen with it.
When my husband first took that picture we were doing a just for fun photo session in my little studio, and we had a lot of fun with it. I am normally on the OTHER side of the camera so it was a fun little change in my line up. But up came the images at the end and as usually I had something negative to say about most of them. But with every thing wrong, he shot back with a compliment on the ones he liked. He did not point out typical things like, Your hair looked nice, or that the outfit was cute; he looked at the picture and said, "That is my JellyB! You look like you felt in the photo-HAPPY!" I brushed him off in that moment, but as I did the edits on our shoot, that photo DID actually make me smile, and low and behold, it grew on me. I slowly started to pick out the things I liked about the photo too.
So Here is the challenge:
We all have big lists about things we WANT to change about ourselves this year, but I want to know what you DO NOT want to change. I want you to take your favorite photo of yourself, post it on either this blog, my facebook,or my twitter account, and I want you to list 10 things you love about that photo and about the way you felt when that photo was taken. It would also help if you are using social media to send me a quick message so I can check out your post. I am going to pick 3 people and send them gratitude journal of their very own, with a poem customized to each of them on the first page.
The contest will be up until February 7th, and I will have winners notified on my blog by February the 10th. If I know you in real life, you can post on my facebook page, or if not you can comment directly to the blog or on my twitter page under Jett Boren. Good Luck Everyone!
Artfully Yours,
Jetta Marie
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Letter: Depression And Honesty
Dear Readers;
I am going to be frank; my seasonal depression is rearing its ugly head again, and its been kind of tough to even get out of bed the last few days. It is like a constant ache inside my heart, a sense of dragging through life and not really getting enjoyment out of much of anything. But despite depression's less than welcome presence each time around this year, the mission I have to spread light, beauty and gratitude into the world around me pushes me to fight and continue in my mission. I am still grateful for so much, and that gratitude gives me hope, which in turn, will keep me strong until the darkness passes.
When I am in this state of mind, my husband has a rule. If he hears me unable to follow Thumpers golden rule, (if you don't know what this is, watch the Disney version of Bambi) he makes me pause and come up with 5 positive things for the day. I do the same for him when he get caught up in things. The longer the negativity goes on, the longer that list has to be each day. My Chaz started doing this last year, and I have to tell you honestly, that it helps. It wont take the darkness away, but it cuts its strength easily in half, which many days can be the difference between getting out of bed or not. And so today, I have challenged myself to make a list of 15 things I am grateful for TODAY. Yesterdays list was yesterdays list; tomorrow's list has not happened yet. So I challenge myself, and anyone who follows my lead when sadness bares its burden, to be honest with yourself about what is going on with you, to love yourself despite the negative thoughts, and to combat depression harder the longer it sticks around.
For each day that you have to put up with depression trying to drag you down, add a few more things onto your daily list of gratitude. Keep track of your symptoms each day, and never give up on yourself. I believe in each of you, whether you are battling a bad day, or a bad month. You are beautiful, you are loved and you are appreciated. And don't you forget it!
I am grateful for the rest last night
Grateful for the mornings light
Grateful for my silly pups
Who lick my face till I get up
I'm Grateful for my readers too
For keeping me focused when I'm blue
Grateful for my family
Grateful for the air and trees
Grateful for the help I have
All around me when I'm sad
Grateful for my friends and crew
For the laughter they know how to cue
For this blog to remind me
Just how beautiful life can be
For the talents I have to share
For those around me that love and care
For The lady who made me smile
And made me feel a bit worth while
I have so much to be grateful for
I have these listed and so many more.
But for today, this last thought and phrase;
Tomorrow will be a much better day.
If depression lingers, and stays the night
I will have more ammo tomorrow to fight
It cannot prevail when I choose to see light
And I can see life's good, and I will win this fight.
Artfully Yours,
Jetta Marie
Friday, January 10, 2014
My New Years Resolution: NO NUMBERS!
Dear Readers;
The new year is upon us, and for those of us who attempt the task of the ever daunting New Years Resolutions, you probably already have those list up and have your gym memberships and financial plans in place. Good for you! I am so glad that you are picking yourself up and making a commitment to better yourself and your life. A dream is truly the first step to making a change. I am living proof of that.
But I know so many of you who will overwhelm yourself with long lists and difficult tasks that will have you screaming and pulling hair by April, and you may want to give up on the whole thing. Its a pretty common trend and one that I myself have endured for many years.But there is a difference between this year and many previous years for me. Most years I have not exactly been overly excited about the things that I set to do, and I knew going into it that around April, I was going to be very overwhelmed and very depressed because things would be getting hard at that point. I promptly at that point, gave up and promised to do better next year, and out came the Twinkies and peanut butter cups.
This year I am very confident that I will reach my goals because I have a secret weapon that will ensure me success. You question and guffaw at my audacity, I am sure, for the very notion does admittedly sound absurd, but hear me out. This year is going to be different for a very simple reason; I am already happy and grateful for my life, and my goals are not number specific. There are no numbers in anything I plan to do this year. Do I plan to lose weight? Absolutely! But I have no number as to how much I want to lose, and am content to do my best and let my body handle the numbers. I will be ignoring my scale, because I understand that by stressing about numbers, I am sabotaging myself and my success because stress induces the body to hold onto its weight. So simply put, NO NUMBERS.
I also have a goal to get a handle on our debt. Due to my extensive medical bills during the period where I was ill, and a very expensive move a few years back, we are still working on getting a handle on our debt. But again, NO NUMBERS. My husband and I have a commitment to each other to pay a little extra on our credit card each month, and support each other to accomplish our goal. We are not committing to paying it all off completely, because that is ridiculous to expect, but we are going to put all our financial muscles into it.
I have about 10 things I want to accomplish this year, because anymore than that and I know I am setting myself up for "April Apathy." I have to admit I am very confident and actually excited for this year and the opportunity to be a better me that is coming. Its like I have always said; its about your mind frame. when you chose to be optimistic and grateful for what you already have and who and what you already are, It gets easier to see the silver lining and realize that it is only uphill. When you already feel good about who you are, you truly attract success, because you are not as critical when you fail at something and you are not afraid of being you and getting back up for another go at it.
You want a number? I am 240 lbs and I am just fine with it. I am defiantly making a goal to improve my health this year, but I am fine if I only lose a little. I don't care about skinny jeans (which are no longer fashionable, by they way) and I could not care less about Hollywood standards. My body knows what healthy is for me just fine, and I trust its judgment. I am loved beyond measure my my family, friends, colleges and sweet husband. I am talented in photography and poetry and I have almost 900 views on my blog. I know by this that my talents are making a difference to people, and that is an amazing feeling. I give to charity, I support my family, and I am a great person who is grateful for the beautiful world and people around me.
So as this new year begins, I challenge each and every one of you to take a look at that laundry list of change you call New Years Resolutions, and take the numbers out. Make a commitment to give each goal your best and be happy and proud of yourself no matter what the final outcome is. Make a commitment to see the beauty in the world, and in yourself this year. Because when you change your view of the world, you change your view of yourself as well. Positive thoughts are contagious and wonderful, though admittedly they are sometimes hard to locate some days. I am rooting for you all, and I wish you all the very best. Thank you for all your love and support. It is going to be a great year!
Artfully Yours,
Wonderful Siblings
Poetry: Jetta Marie
Gratitude: Siblings
Wonderful Siblings
They tease you till your face is blue
When you whine
they can't hear you;
They make you laugh
They make you cry
But somehow you love them
Though you wonder why
They dry your tears
Yet make them too
And your stuck with them
And they with you
But though they tease
And taught and blame
We somehow love them
Just the same
Because in the end
Through some strange law
You love each other
Despite your flaws
Despite the teasing
with no real end
We know that they
Are truly friends
We know
that though they give us crap
In the end they've got our back
They teach us things we later need
Though we may not see it
Past the tease
But siblings are a wondrous thing
Though admittedly
Such complex beings
But as we grow
we start to see
What siblings mean
To you and me
friends and guardians
From the start
The relationship is
A perplexing art
But thank goodness we have them
Our siblings,
Our friends,
Because they are the ones
That are there in the end
They are the ones
Who know who you are
And they love you both near
And if so very far.
They stick up for you always
when life has you down
They will help you keep swimming
When you fell like you'll drown
They are the friends
That you want by your side
for they are the ones
That endure life's whole ride
Though they push all your buttons
They love you and care
And in the end,
They are the ones who'll be there.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Aqua's Photo Shoot
Note: All copyrights to the below images are retained by ©Jett Boren Photography and may not be duplicated or reproduced in any way without the written consent of the copyright holder. If you would like to purchase any of the below images, please contact Mrs Jett Boren via facebook or twitter to make arrangements.
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