Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Poem: Finding You

Photograph: Jetta Marie
Poem: Jetta Marie
Gratitude Of The Day: Watching my sweet Chaz conquer his hardships and overcome them one by one. I love you handsome man. Stay strong.

Some Days are Tough 

Some days it is truly hard
To see light in your life
Sometimes things just bare you down
Sometimes nothing comes out right

Some days you may wonder
Why everything's so bleak
Some days may drag on
into days or weeks

Sometimes life is difficult
And being thankful just a notion
But once you start to seek the good
A change is set in motion

Though dark as things might seem
when you are trapped inside your storm
Once you start to seek small hopes
You'll locate more and more

Just as depression seeks for company
Like a virus of gloom and doubt
Gratitude is like a train
And happiness and peace the route

For when you see the good in life
No matter the fury of the storm
you will gain the skill to see
through that dark once more

Gratitude Is like that train 
That gets stronger as it goes
And those of us who know its power
Know it only grows

As it brings you from the dark
The sadness that you feel
Can finally then be put to rest
And your hope begin to heal

So don't give in to darkness
Remember that your loved
And the more that you express that
the more over dark you'll fly above

The more that you allow yourself
to see the good in life
the easier you'll find yourself
Dismissing apathy and strife

Armed with such great power
there is nothing you can't do
and in overcoming all your trials
know this ....

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