Thursday, April 10, 2014

Colourist Concert

Photos: Jetta Marie
Gratitude Of The Day: Exciting adventour at the colourist concert!

Dear Readers,
The images above need some serious post processing, but the gratitude for being able to go to the colorist concert at Kilby Court in Salt Lake City remains the same. What a great bunch of bands! My favorite of the night was a band called The night terrors of 1927.  Don’t let the name get to you-they were awesome! 

I knew that going to a concert was going to be a challenge for me with the migraines that I am getting but it was so worth it.  It was a l little underground thing and it was a blast. I am so grateful for my supportive husband and for my cousin Stephanie inviting me to go. I will write more about my adventures this weekend when I have a sec to get the images processed but for now, just know that it was an exciting time.
Artfully Yours,
Jetta Marie

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