Monday, February 3, 2014

Forgotten Memories

Photography: Jetta Marie
Poetry: Jetta Marie
Gratitude Of The Day: The beautiful memories of the past that so many wonderful people have allowed me to share with them. I know and grow to love and understand people more and more with each story of their life that they share with me, and I am so honored to be able to share and do my part in keeping those stories alive.
Forgotten Memories

A memory frozen in time;
A lifetime of stories forgotten 
And buried beneath the winter chill.
Though I suppose in pondering,
That the sadness of the loss
Of the precious memories 
Concealed within this vessels icy tomb,
Have gone and past by now
And the memories of its past
Now lay as it does
Trapped beneath the grasp of winter
I wonder still its life;
I wonder still of how it came to be
Here, now, in this very moment of time
Breaking free from its bitter, icy, capture
And praying for another chance
Another life
Another moment of importance,
 a moment where it's past
Can be remembered
And its future once again
be full of stories, hope, and matter.
I wonder in that moment 
when the ice will set this memory free
If anyone will be there
To hear what the victor of the chill
Has to say of its life.
Will one hear of its adventures,
Its love and its loss
It owner
And it reason for its icy fate?  
Who, other than myself,
Will grant this lone warrior of the past,
The chance to be heard 
One last time?
Who will wonder and admire the life
A forgotten memory holds
Despite the Ice that has long since numbed us
and conditions us To walk right by 
Such a precious thing as it is? 
Memories, in time,
Like the dust of the earth 
will fade into the snow
If we do not share them
With those whom we love and trust.
To truly live past your time 
To exist beyond the sullen reality
Of the fate that each of us must face
When our time here has expired;
To obtain that fountain of youth
And a life beyond our graves 
And the bounds of death 
That must come in the end for each of us,
Our memories must break free
From the ice and the snow.
We must share our lives
Our stories and our adventures
And allow ourselves to believe
That there will never be another
who's story will be the same
As the legend that we each call
Our simple little lifes. 
Our memories matter, 
Our existence may not have changed the world
But for one moment 
we may have made an impact
That our children may appreciate,
That our posterity may learn from.
Your memories are beautiful
and your life, well lived, a victory,
For their will never be another
quite as you as you. 
Let your memories break free
From the snowy frozen state
And be shared with joy and excitement
with those who would hear it.
Let your life give guidance 
To those who will hear your voice
Long after you are gone from this world.
Let your memories never die
Let them reach for the sun
And never remain 
In the icy grips of a blind eye
And the silence of being forgotten.
Though we may age
Though the memories may fade
And we may submit to the winter tomb 
where our days of glory are all but lost, 
In telling our stories
We shall live on;
 Our memories need not be forgotten
If the stories continue to be told.
In this we can survive the winter
In our stories being told in legends,
 we shall free ourselves of forgotten lifes
And in this we can remain present.
In this, we can be remembered. 
In this we can live on.

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