Thursday, February 27, 2014

Poem: Sharing A Passion

Sharing A Passion

Photography: Chaz Boren
Poem: Jetta Marie
Gratitude of the day: Photo dates with my Sweet Chaz. He is the only one in this world right now that can take a picture of me and I love the way it comes out. He loves to learn about my work and the things I am discovering about lighting and technique and I know he is not only listening, but is interested in what I do. Its nice to feel important and to share my passion for photography and exploration with such and amazing guy. Love you, Roo!

Sharing A Passion

You not only listen to what I say
You are actually interested in my day
You share in my passion to capture the world
You, like myself, let adventures unfurl
You wander beside me exploring the earth
From people to nature, 
From death back to birth
You share in my passion to show beauty and love
We truly fit like a hand and a glove
You share in my passion to see the unseen
To fly like an eagle and live out my dreams
To live life in purpose and wondrous awe
At the things all around me both perfect and flawed
To capture the beauty in something ignored
when I explore with you darling, I cant ever be bored
For you are right there pointing out grains of sand
As excited as I am to venture the lands
And together we capture things others don't see
You are the perfect companion for little old me!
This life that we share is so beautiful, Roo
And I cant think of a better companion than you.
Beside you from the start and the end of each sun
Here's to many adventures and photos to come.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Poem: Returning from the darkness

Return From The Darkness

Photos: Jetta Marie
Poem: Jetta Marie

Returning from the darkenss

The fog clouds my mind
And makes it impossible to see anything
Past the darkness that surrounds me.
It makes it hard to hear anything 
But the whispers of apathy
That are brewing inside me at this moment.
I have been wandering so long,
And am growing so weary
Of not having seen an ounce of beauty
In the desolate winter
That I have come to know these past months.
Will, nothing change?
Will spring never come again?
Will I wander through this dreary existence 
That I am calling a life
Until I can truly no longer feel
Even the sadness I have become accustom to?
What purpose then, do I serve my maker,
If there is no vision inside me
No reason to go on
No strength left to push me on?
But still, though all I see now are the shadows 
That I have made friends with
During this time of isolation from the world,
I remember a vague image of my past;
Of something called light
Of something called enjoyment
Of something baring the essence of beauty.
Though the image is faint,
It gives me a reason to keep searching
The desolate ice of winter
For the one splash of color 
That I can hold onto
Until spring finally comes again.
I know from the past, 
That spring will come again
No matter how distant it may seem.
It shall break this icy death of heart
That I call depression
And free me from this endless abyss
of dreary, disheartening darkness.
Spring will come,
And I will cling to the little life I have found
Until the sunlight warms my face
And I am freed from the haunted shell
That I have drawn into during this time of fear.
Spring will come, 
And after all this ice and snow and bitter chill,
It will be ever so eagerly received
As I make my return 
From the grips of darkness.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lessons Of Courage: Gene D Cottrell

Gene D Cottrell

Gene D Cottrell was born Nov-15 1925 and passed away July-8-2003. I can honestly say that was one of the toughest days of my young life. My grandfather was one of my best friends, and though he had a temper that seemed to stem from the fire of hell itself if you provoked it, he was one of the best grandfathers a girl could have asked for. He protected me, educated me about life, punished me when I needed it, and loved me beyond measure. When I was small and started developing my legendary "spunk" and "sass", my Grandmother made a comment that I was "full of vinegar." My grandfather, quick witted as lightning and never missing a Que, stated rather loudly that I was "sure full of something!" He was never one to sugar coat ANYTHING, much less his bold opinions on everything.

What I loved the very most about my Grandfather were his  stories. They were not meant to be funny, and if he caught you giggling there would be a whole other lecture about life, but any one in my family can confirm that he had a very UNIQUE perspective on his life and it WAS funny. He loved to  make people laugh and would talk to anyone who would listen. His philosophy on life and his words of wisdom were hilarious and a bit vulgar at times, but ever true if you could stop laughing long enough to ponder what he told you. My personal favorite was this gem, spoken to my very reserved father the day my mother brought him home for the first time. "Son, everyone in hell is dying for a glass of ice water." The great part is, that as my father tells this story, he recalls very distinctly how serious my grandfather was about what he was saying. Most of his little phrases about life lessons and things to ponder were very satirical in nature and perhaps that is why they stuck so well, even though I was young when he said them.

But the thing about my Grandfather that I both admired to the very depth of my soul, and yet could never understand was how he could be so strong when he hurt. I have always been the type to wear my heart on my sleeve, but my grandfather knew how to push on when things got tough. I was lucky enough to have quiet moments with my Grandfather in his garden. His garden was his sense of peace, his quiet place, and I learned more about him while pulling weeds and harvesting tomatoes then I ever would have learned any where else. For every sad moment in my life,for every trouble and tear I shared with him, my grandfather had a way to make things look better or at least funnier.  I think my Grandfather knew there was something a little off about me, though I know he was not quite sure what it was. But in that garden, he protected me and guided me past a childhood I never would have made it thorough without him. It was not until after he passed away that my anger and dark personality were diagnosed as bipolar. Somehow, he knew I needed him though. And no matter how confusing life was for me, no matter how angrey I was at the world, he was alway an example of courage to me.

When my Grandfather was a child, no older than 6 or 7 years old, his father turned to him and stated "I never wanted you. You were an accident."Those his mother wrapped him tight in her arms, and assured him that SHE was grateful for him, that statement really never left my grandfather. Even at 6, my grandfather had a choice at that moment. He could remain depressed and allow what his father said to ruin him, or he could live on despite that life altering statement. My grandfather not only lived a great life, but was loved by so many people that when he passed away Grandmother's phone did not stop ringing for weeks.

I have to say, a comment like that would have destroyed me in every way. I would not have had the strength at such a young age to stand up and press forward the way he did. And through out his life, this courage only got stronger.

When I was a teenage, he was diagnosed with Colon cancer. He was ornery as hell, and slept more than I had ever seen him sleep, but he got himself into remission faster than we could have ever hoped. No cancer was going to keep him from getting up to watch Perry Mason and Clint Eastwood. About a year later, you would have never know the man had ever had cancer in the first place. The man never let fear stop him from anything, and though I never really told him how grateful I was to look up to him, I know that his endurance and determination to face the challenges that arose in his life changed the way I responded to challenges. When I was young, I would hide when I was scared. Grandpa taught me to fight my challenges with all the spunk, sass and vinegar I had to throw at them. I had to learn the difference between fighting with courage and just fighting to fight, but because of Grandpa I gained the courage not to hide when I was scared. I can never thank him enough for the example he was to me, nor the love and safety that I felt when I was with him in that garden. So a decade after he left me here to use his lessons wisely, I would like to say now what I could not say back then. Thank You, Geneo; for protecting me, guiding me, loving me no matter what I was full of, and being such an example of courage in my life. I love you Grandpa.

Love Always,

Jetta Marie

Monday, February 10, 2014

Letter: LDS Prophet Summed To Appear In British Court. Seriously?

LDS prophet summer to appear in British court/LDS Prophet Summed To Appear In British Court

Dear Reader;

I have and never will claim to know all the inner working of everything that happens in the LDS church. I admit that there are times where I am asked to do things I do not complexly understand, tithing being one of those issues for me. I do not have many quick comebacks or clever things to say to the people who attack me and what I believe, nor do I believe that addressing a persons angry actions with my own anger is going to have much effect in the end. But after viewing this ridiculous public display, I have to say I am both grateful for my own meek understanding and sorrowful for the individual who made the mistake to try and attack President Monson.

One of my favorite authors of all time is the legendary author and lifelong champion curmudgeon, Mark Twain. He once stated "It is better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are stupid than to open your mouth and relieve all doubt." From the example of the very angry gentleman who requested this investigation, anger seems to have consumed him to a point where his tolerance for things he does not understand or agree with has clouded his better human judgement. As a result he has made a very poor decision to display his pains and frustrations in a way that I know he will come to regret at some point. I am sure his anger is going to fester and grow and he will walk about the earth in a state of unhappy rage trying to convince the world of the evils of a people and gospel that he simply did not agree with himself.

I cannot help but wonder though, in my own simple way of thinking, why he does not attack Catholics, or Lutherans, or any OTHER religion that is asked to pay tithe? Why seek out to call blasphemy on the church he was a member of before, and single them out as the "deceitful" and "illegal?" Why try to tarnish our name with such anger and fury when people of the LDS faith CHOOSE to pay tithing? Our membership and fellowship in the church is not revoked for not paying tithing.

We do need to be paying tithing to attend the temple, which though it seems unfair, is actually not that illogical to one with an open heart who is not attached to their dollar bills as a sense of peace and well being. For me, paying my tithing is a physical sacrifice that I make to my heavenly father to accomplish 2 things.

 #1) I am giving him a symbol of good faith that I know that he will take care of me in difficult times and that I trust him to do so, and  that I am worthy to accept a greater calling and remain focused in him and not my financial complications. I am not saying I do not worry at times about my finances, because I sole heartily do! I am human too, believe it or not. But I am showing him that he is the most important figure in my life, and that all other worldly things come AFTER him in my priorities.

 Money is the #1 temptation and symbol of the world we live in. It represents a material list of wants and physical needs, and though it is necessary in the civilization we live in, I believe that heavenly father wants to know that he can trust us with the sacred things we will promise inside the temple, and that our focuses are where they need to be to make those promises worth while and understood.

My #2 Reason is this:
Running this church on the scale that it is run, with the charity work that we provide for the world around us, is not cheep. Yes we absolutely DO have a extensive rainy day fund, but that is just what it is; A RAINY DAY FUND. During the collapse of the economy in 2008, our church continued to run and progress when everything else was failing and many of our members had lost their jobs. We supported those members by paying their bills, giving them food, and helping them get back on their feet. Lets do the math on that shall we?

A fairly normal LDS family has 3 children and 2 adults. They probably have a home where they need to pay a mortgage and bills. A normal home in Utah is roughly $800 per month in mortgage. Utilities generally range around $500 if the family is fairly conservative. Car bills have to be paid and the average I came up with is about $250 a month give or take on 1 car. Food for this family a month is about $400 for us to supply through our service with our bishops store house. Yes, we donate the time to package and raise that food, but there is still cost involved in feeding that cow, buying and growing the crops...etc. We also provide service to help these individuals find work. That service cost money to run too. All in all on a conservative scale, ONE family will cost the church around $1450 for basic life per month.

There were 304.09 million people living in the USA as if July 1 2008, according to the US census, 7% of our population was unemployed. Now, if we follow this statistic, our church had 14 million members around that time. IF 7% where unemployed, that means we where taking care of 980,000 members at that time. If we cared for these 980,000 members at 1450 month we would have been using $1421000000 to support our members alone. Yes, there will be variables in this but allow these numbers to let you think about what I am trying to show you. It cost a lot of money to run this church the way we do.

Make a list of all the things that the LDS church takes part in that COST MONEY. Upkeep of the building, building new buildings, supplies for the buildings, caring for in need members, humanitarian work...IT ALL COST MONEY AND A LOT OF IT. At the end of the day, tithing is asked for the benefit of not just us and our church but to help those not of our faith is well. Tithing is another act of trusting our heavenly father and our leader to take care of Gods sheep and allow ourselfs to believe in what we do, even when we do not understand totally. Letting of part of your paycheck when you are hurting is hard, and I wont deni that. But look at the bigger picture in what you are being asked to do. You are simply being asked to let go of your monetary worship and allow that money to support the good in humanity that we try and accomplish.

Further proof is available if you look at the actual facts available and not the facts of those twisting our manuals and records.


Finances of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) are similar to other non-profit and religious organizations, where the principal source of funding comes from the donations of its members and the principal expense is in constructing and maintaining facilities.
When the LDS Church takes in more donations than it pays out in period expenses, it uses thesurplus to build a reserve for capital expenditures and for future years when period expenses may exceed donations. The church invests its reserve to maintain the principal and generate a reasonable return and directs its investments into income-producing assets that may help it in its mission, such as farmland- and communication-related companies (see below).
The LDS Church has not publicly disclosed its financial statements in the United States since 1959.[2] The church does disclose its financials in the United Kingdom[3] and Canada[4] where it is required to do so by law. In the UK, these financials are audited by the UK office ofPricewaterhouseCoopers.
The LDS Church maintains an internal audit department that provides its certification at each annual general conference that contributions are collected and spent in accordance with established church policy. In addition, the church engages a public accounting firm (currentlyDeloitte & Touche) to perform annual audits in the United States of its not-for-profit,[5] for-profit,[6] and some educational[7][8] entities.

IN a nut shell, I hope you can forgive me my ramblings, and I hope that I was able to provide some insight to someone along my little journey. In the end, I only pray for the poor angry soul who is looking for someone to assure him his anger is just. I do assure you sir, your anger is valid. We all get frustrated when we do not understand things and anger is a natural response. Your anger is absolutely valid and I feel for you and your Frustrations, but your accusations fueling that anger...they on the other hand are not accurate. Unfortunately, you are barking up the wrong tree in dealing with whatever caused you to be so angry. I wish you the best in finding the answers you seek, and I hope that at some point you will relize you are loved and not forgotten, and that your anger and Frustrations with your former faith will be put to rest so that peace can once again find you. Whether you come back to the church or not, I wish you nothing more than the peace and rest from this anger; you deserve that. Best of luck, my friend. 

Artfully Yours,

Jetta Marie

Lyrics: Don't Give Up

Don’t Give UP

It’s hard to watch
You suffering the way you do
It’s harder still
To know that I
Cannot fix the pain you are going through
I’m not allowed to see you now
Cause you’re trapped inside your mind
But I am reaching out for you
To grab your hand
And pull you back somehow
But know this;

I will never give up
On you
Never let you believe this fight is through
I will never stop trying
To grab your hand
When you are falling fast
And you can’t find the strength to stand
I will never stop trying
To get this message through
Never give up, sweet boy
Cause I will never give up on you

Though dragons keep you
Locked away so tight
And darkness keeps you
Away from the loving light
Don’t surrender
Your perfect heart of gold
Don’t lose sight
Don’t surrender to this cold

It can be trying
To face the shadows haunting you
But know this secret
I have been here too
No matter what this endless darkness
Bares to put you through
Keep that hope and memory
Of the many that love you

I will never give up
On you
Never let you believe this fight is through
I will never stop trying
To grab your hand
When you are falling fast
And you can’t find the strength to stand
I will never stop trying
To get this message through
Never give up, sweet boy
Cause I will never give up on you

I will never stop trying
To grab your hand
When you are falling fast
And you can’t find the strength to stand
I will never stop trying
To get this message through
Never give up, sweet boy
Cause I will never give up on you

None of us will ever give up
On you

Nolan and Linda Adams Temple Sealing

Nolan and Linda Adams Temple sealing

Note: These images are © Jett Boren and may not be copied or reproduced in any way without the consent of the artist. Any violation of this legal right may result in legal actions. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Gygi-Self Re-connection At The Cooking Wonderland

          Self Re-connection At The Cooking Wonderland

 I had the honor of meeting this kind woman at one of my favorite places in the whole world, The Gygi chefs store in Salt Lake. Her name was Luly,(hope I spelled it correct) and though she was hesitant to allow me to take her picture, I am so grateful I can give her a shout out! What a passionate, lovely chocolatier. She owns her own small chocolate business and teaches cooking classes at the store. She was warm, friendly, and very excited in telling me about the cooking classes and her little chocolate business she runs. She is obviously very passionate in what she does, and was just a pleasure to talk to. Thank you Ms.Luly!
Hundreds of candy and chocolate molds. Yes, Hundreds. 

Every color of the raninbow...IN SPARKLES AND SUGAR!!

 Every color of chocolate. 
The most ADORABLE little chefs aprons for young aspiring cooks I have ever seen. 

Photograpy: Jetta Marie
Gratitude of The Day: The chance to reconnect with my passion for baking by taking a visit to my bakers paradise, the Gygi store in Salt Lake. If you have never been here and love to bake, please treat yourself. But I do caution you to not bring a credit card with you and only take a budgeted amount you are willing to part with from your paycheck because this is LITERALLY like a candy store for chefs and you will spend what you bring. It is so nice to have places like this to just go and breath in a bit of your passion in life once in a while and remind yourself why you do what you do. 

And just to confirm; yes the following bit of poem is yet another batch of lyrics in the process. When I am done I will be posting to my YouTube channel, but that's is a bit of a second propriety in my busy life right now so in the meantime, enjoy the message and written part of my work in progress!


Life seems to have its way
Of working hard to bring me down
The world trys to have its say
Telling me don't swim but let yourself drown
Though the choas that consumes me
When the people passing start to blur
I will remember The way to see
The beauty in the world that still has  allure

So i take a breath
Breath in 
Breath out
I sing a song
I scream 
I shout
I breath it in
Breath it out
Remeber what 
this is all about
And in that moment
I can recall
I have it all!
Have it all 
Why be ok
not taking flight, 
Just taking falls?
I remember me
Who I am
And I can chose to fly
If I remember
 That  I can!

Sometimes in life
You get crowded out
With the complications
Of fear and doubt
But take a moment
To reconnect
To who you are
And you can bet
You'll find your passions
recoup the you you've  lost
Remember that your dreams
are worth every cost
so  search your heart
Find again your muse
And remember to celebrate
The amazing spark in you

So  take a breath
Breath in 
Breath out
sing a song
And shout
breath it in
Breath it out
Remember what 
this is all about
And in that moment
Let yourself recall
You have it all!
Have it all 
Why be ok
Not taking flight, 
Just taking falls?
 remember You
Who you are
And  chose to fly
 That  You can!

So i take a breath
Breath in 
Breath out
I sing a song
I scream 
I shout
I breath it in
Breath it out
Remember what 
this is all about
And in that moment
I can recall
I have it all!
Have it all 
Why be ok
not taking flight, 
Just taking falls?
I remember me
Who I am
And I can chose to fly
If I remember
 That  I can!

I can!
You can!
Reconnect yourself
I can!
You Can!
Have courage to fly
I can!
You can!
We can!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Letter: Chaz And Elder Duke's Courage

Photography: Jetta Marie
Gratitude Of The Day: Never giving up, even when mistakes are made. I can say this of both my Chaz, and Elder Duke, and I am so grateful for their courage in picking themselves up when things got rough. 

Dear Readers;

We have had the honor during the last year of having Elder Devin Duke work with my Chaz on understanding the gospel of the LDS people. Elder Duke was transferred last night, and will no longer be working with us, but I am so grateful for the experiences and friendship that came from him working with my husband, both times. There is actually quite a remarkable story that we share with this Elder, that I am sure I can never really forget. 

Elder Duke came to visit my husband earlier this year and the lessons went very well. Chaz began to study and explore the questions he has had for so many years regarding the LDS faith and the challenges offered by the Elder were accepted and attempted. As fate would have it, Elder duke was transferred, unknown to my husband, and due to the hectic nature of the transfer Elder Duke missed an appointment with Chaz. There  were no goodbyes or acknowledgments of the transfer to Chaz. He found out because he called after waiting about an hour to get an explanation of why nobody came that night. Chaz then expressed to me that he had no interest in having anybody else teach him again. This is not the first time that representatives of the Church have begun the process of reaching for my husband, only to disappear as he begins to make progress. It may seem like a tragic thing, but miracles do happen and Elder Duke turned out to be a part of this one. 

I, needless to say ,was devastated when this happened. Chaz, as in times before, seemed to shut down to all discussion of the gospel. I was so full of anger and sadness and after a few days it came time for me to go to church and I was hesitant to go that day to say the least. Somehow I got the courage to talk to my sweet husband before I left, and with tears in my eyes I begged him to try and understand that Elder Duke was human and that he did still care about him. I did my best to plead to my husband to not give up on the gospel because of people making mistakes, and to not believe that it was because he was not cared for. I did not know at the time that I was pleading unnecessarily. Though my husband was still upset at not getting a phone call, and for how inconstant his journey for understanding has been with missionaries, home teachers, and every other teacher that has been sent to him, he made a statement that day that restored my hope more than I ever could have imagined. 

Chaz told me that he had not given up on his quest to figure out what he believed, only that he was no longer going to depend on other people to help him find the answers he needed about LDS faith. He willing to accept the friendship of our members and anyone else who wanted to see how he was doing, but he made a promise that day to depend on himself and the Lord to find the answers he has been searching for all these years. That in itself was a turn that I did not expect, but the miracle of what happened did not stop there.

Elder Duke was transferred back into our territory a few months later. Though the lessons did not continue, the Elder was able to apologize to Chaz, and continue to express the friendship and bond that exists between them. It is highly unusual for an Elder to be transferred back to an area in which he has already served, but I saw the hand of the Lord in that transfer. There was so much courage on both their parts in mending that situation, and I was able to witness such an amazing display of courage in both my Husband and Elder Duke.

I know it was not easy to apologize for what happened with my Husband. I know that it was not easy to forgive it either. But both of them were granted the ability to heal and repair the damage that was caused by what happened and both of them rose  from that painful situation with a courage and light that I am honored to have been able to see. 

They were both granted sight and clarity on how to move forward in life and in the gospel from this experience; they were both granted a peace and serenity from the pain they both felt by a loving Father who gave them the chance to reunite and make things right with each other. I literally watched the anger and hurt feelings melt with my husband and a calmness take over. I felt that in my own heart as well. I watched a clarity and levelheadedness that I had never seen with Chaz when he had been upset before. He forgave so quickly; He understood and dimmed his anger; he gained truly unbiased eyes in that moment.

My Husband, though he does not attend Church with me, now asks me every Sunday if I am going or not.He does not judge me wither way, but can feel the encouragement from him to go each week. He loves me either way, but he is giving me the gentle push I need to do the right thing and have courage to do so. He Encourages me to pay my tithing, he listens when I offer to read to him or tell him about the things I am learning.

 I know someday, that even if I do not get sealed to him in this life, that I will be able to sit with him in sacrament meeting and that he will find the answers,truth and comfort that I know in my own heart are found in the scriptures and things that are taught in this faith. I still struggle with the social Anxiety, but I am so touched by the examples of courage and the proof of Heavenly Father loves his children that was shown to me by Chaz and Elder Duke. I love them both very much, and am so grateful to have been able to witness what I have with them. 

It is not easy to pick yourself up and to have the courage to press forward when setbacks bring you to yours knees, but I know that when you muster the courage to continue your journey, and you trust in your Father in heaven to bring you peace and forgiveness that he does respond to your prayers. Courage is not easy at all, but it brings with it blessing that one cannot obtain with any other action. IT brings with it the love of a heavenly father that wants to bless a child who literally fights to be that which he is trying to help up to be. When we press on and commit to doing that which just and true the power to find that calm serenity, love, and brotherhood is truly unprecedented. 

I love you all so much, and am so grateful for Elder Duke in his courage to return and be a part of a miracle that has impacted my life so greatly. We will miss you Elder, but hopefully you will keep in touch. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for making things right with Chaz. Thank you Chaz for helping me regain the hope I was all but losing. Your wisdom, clarity and light lit my way when I was full of anger and sorrow. I am pretty sure I get "schooled" on a daily basis from my husband in matters of wisdom and spiritual clarity, but I am so grateful for him and the humility he reminds me of each day. I am a better person because of the light I have been able to share with him over the past 7 years. He may not go to church, but his mind and heart of gold are something miraculous. I love you so much, dear. Thank you both.

May the story I have shared today remind each of you, my dear readers, that in every situation God is playing a hand in helping you overcome and strengthen your spiritual muscles. THough you may be full of anger now, know that the light of Christ can help you to overcome it and see with eyes of clarity and understanding. It can be hard to understand this when you are caught in it, but believe me, peace can be obtained and the anger vanquished, with faith in Our Father and a willingness to follow the path of light. There is beauty in even the dimmest of moments, and when we come out the other side, we can begin to see that. 

Artfully Yours,

Jetta Marie 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Forgotten Memories

Photography: Jetta Marie
Poetry: Jetta Marie
Gratitude Of The Day: The beautiful memories of the past that so many wonderful people have allowed me to share with them. I know and grow to love and understand people more and more with each story of their life that they share with me, and I am so honored to be able to share and do my part in keeping those stories alive.
Forgotten Memories

A memory frozen in time;
A lifetime of stories forgotten 
And buried beneath the winter chill.
Though I suppose in pondering,
That the sadness of the loss
Of the precious memories 
Concealed within this vessels icy tomb,
Have gone and past by now
And the memories of its past
Now lay as it does
Trapped beneath the grasp of winter
I wonder still its life;
I wonder still of how it came to be
Here, now, in this very moment of time
Breaking free from its bitter, icy, capture
And praying for another chance
Another life
Another moment of importance,
 a moment where it's past
Can be remembered
And its future once again
be full of stories, hope, and matter.
I wonder in that moment 
when the ice will set this memory free
If anyone will be there
To hear what the victor of the chill
Has to say of its life.
Will one hear of its adventures,
Its love and its loss
It owner
And it reason for its icy fate?  
Who, other than myself,
Will grant this lone warrior of the past,
The chance to be heard 
One last time?
Who will wonder and admire the life
A forgotten memory holds
Despite the Ice that has long since numbed us
and conditions us To walk right by 
Such a precious thing as it is? 
Memories, in time,
Like the dust of the earth 
will fade into the snow
If we do not share them
With those whom we love and trust.
To truly live past your time 
To exist beyond the sullen reality
Of the fate that each of us must face
When our time here has expired;
To obtain that fountain of youth
And a life beyond our graves 
And the bounds of death 
That must come in the end for each of us,
Our memories must break free
From the ice and the snow.
We must share our lives
Our stories and our adventures
And allow ourselves to believe
That there will never be another
who's story will be the same
As the legend that we each call
Our simple little lifes. 
Our memories matter, 
Our existence may not have changed the world
But for one moment 
we may have made an impact
That our children may appreciate,
That our posterity may learn from.
Your memories are beautiful
and your life, well lived, a victory,
For their will never be another
quite as you as you. 
Let your memories break free
From the snowy frozen state
And be shared with joy and excitement
with those who would hear it.
Let your life give guidance 
To those who will hear your voice
Long after you are gone from this world.
Let your memories never die
Let them reach for the sun
And never remain 
In the icy grips of a blind eye
And the silence of being forgotten.
Though we may age
Though the memories may fade
And we may submit to the winter tomb 
where our days of glory are all but lost, 
In telling our stories
We shall live on;
 Our memories need not be forgotten
If the stories continue to be told.
In this we can survive the winter
In our stories being told in legends,
 we shall free ourselves of forgotten lifes
And in this we can remain present.
In this, we can be remembered. 
In this we can live on.