Thursday, May 1, 2014

Letter: May1st-Bren Day

Dear Readers;

I will be honest; for once ye dear old Chatterbox is at a loss for words. Today marks the decade point for my husband and his family in the loss of their oldest brother. After a lifetime of depression he ended his life on May 1st of 2004. Though those he loved and those who loved him have come to heal as much as they can from what happened that day, there are still a lot of wounds that may never heal in this life and a sadness that surrounds today that seems to loom like a little black rain cloud gone haywire. (excuse the Winnie-the-pooh reference)

From the stories that my husband has shared with me, I have learned a great deal about his big brother and have come to know a lot about him through the loving memories of his family and those who loved him. One of the things I learned was that he had a sincere respect and love for those who had passed on and insisted on Halloween being what it was intended to be; a day to remember the dead. He had a love for people that did not end in this life, and though I did not get the chance to meet him before he passed away, I find that ability and beauty to love beyond this life remarkable and awing.

My Husband and I do not like the idea of choosing the day he passed away to  honor him. We usually celebrate him on Memorial day, Halloween and his birthday. We like to honor him on the days where he was happy and alive and full of the love that he gave so freely to all he knew. We light one of his candles on those days and Chaz tells me a new story about him. But I realize that many focus on this day because there is still so much pain and want and mourning still going on from losing this beautiful, powerful man. Though I never had the chance to give him a hug or be humbled by his heart of gold, I have grown to love and admire him very much through the stories and love that his family has kept alive for him. And in whatever small ways I can, I want to help keep those memories alive for anyone still in need of comfort right now.

As I said, Chaz and I don't focus his life on the anniversary of the day he passed away, but I do intend on lighting a candle for him on memorial day, Halloween and his birthday. I found a wonderful little park in salt lake that would be the perfect place to do these little vigils for him and it would be really awesome if anyone would like to come and join us. Please look me up on Facebook under jett boren and shoot me a message if you would like to come and we will get something set up. I am also in the process of creating a memory page on Facebook for him. If anyone has pictures, videos,or memories they would like to share please visit the Bren Boren Memory page.

I love you all, and am praying for each of you who are effected by what happened a decade ago today. Know that in time and in surrounding yourself with those who truly loved him and sharing the goodness that was Bren that some of that pain will heal. I will do what I can to keep opportunities open for those memories to thrive. The beauty of a good heart will never fade with death, for in pure love for others ones memories will bare light and goodness that cannot be erased.

Sincerely and Artfully Yours,


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