Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy Birthday Andrew

Happy Birthday Andrew

"It is a joyous day when you have the immense pleasure and  honor of watching a young grasshopper grow with such wisdom and courage as I see in you. You make us all so proud "grasshopper." We love you and miss you so much. So many hugs and kisses, sweet Andrew. Please don't ever forget how much we love and miss you. We are always here for you if you ever want of need us. Happy Birthday #19! "

Dear Andrew;

The 16th is my Nephew Andrew's Birthday #19. Normally, I would call and send my little homemade card with no second thoughts, but as most of you know...I can't. I am going to send this card either way but I know there is a good chance that you will not actually get it so I am posting it here in hopes that if you don't you can still read it an know that I was thinking about you. I wanted to take you out to lunch like I was able to for your brother but hopefully the ban from the Boren family will be lifted next year so Uncle Chaz and I can. If you do read this and want to take me up on it that offer, it  is available to you anytime. We all love you so much and we miss you terribly. But have a happy birthday and know that we are thinking of you. 

Aunt Jett and Family

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