Dear Readers,
The time is fast approaching where I will leave my beloved blog site for a new official website on the internet. I am both excited for the challenge and know that it will bring this mission to more people around the globe, and nervous for all the amazing opportunities and challenges that I am being faced with this year.
I currently am in the process of a lot of changes in my life. My husband and I are looking to move, we are both starting the process of trying to sell ideas and talents. I am pursuing my passion in photography and trying to set up a studio and he has developed a line of amazing skin care products that should be on the market next year. There have been a lot of changes, both good and bad in both our families and I have to say that having all of this going on has been a bit of a challenge to say the least. The businesses and daily bills are challenging to keep up on, and the emotional and mental tolls of daily life have caused a few mental breaks for sure.
But in a strange and beautiful way, I know that the challenges I have faced are what has made me a stronger person today. I have made the choice to look at them as both a challenge and an opportunity to maintain a zen perspective and use these hardships as opportunities to better myself and my life.
This life is never without hardship, but I do know that how much we internalize those hardships and how hard they actually have to be is more on us than anything. We cannot control what life throws at us but we can decide what to do when we are hit in the head. Do we get angry and try to throw the ball back? Do we sit down and cry? Do we pick up the ball, dust ourselfs off and stop standing where the balls are being thrown? Or do we prepare for the next pitch and vow a home run?
We all get to choose how we will handle the hardships in our lives. It is like I have always said, perception of the world is the key to happiness and understanding in this life. Gratitude in itself is a choice on how you see things. Its not an easy skill to master but its worth it in the end. It all starts with one choice that you choose to see the glass half full on when it is easier to see half empty. Perception, like anything is a skill and practice is the beginning of a change that is beautiful. But it all starts with a choice on how you will handle a challenge. So, I emplor you to ask yourself this question; how is the perception of your glass today?
As always, I love you all and hope that the day is full of beauty and happy moments. May the challenges you face today be opportunities that you can recognize and use to better your life. I am ever grateful to all of my readers and cannot wait to introduce the new website next month. Updates will be posted weekly.
Always and Artfully Yours
Jetta Marie